Sunday, August 10, 2008


Today is the last day of vacation (I do have more time coming just not planned for a week off)and can I say I really don't want to go back to work.....why can't I be a millionaire or married to one and just hang out and do what I want to with no cares in the world...Please don't make me go back...

Not that we really did anything special this past week. Some of the high lights included the movies, gambling, out to eat a few times, a few adult drinks here and there and just enjoying our home and family....

Tomorrow is my mother-in-laws birthday. Happy birthday. She will be 83 years old or is it young...She really wants to move in with us or someone and let me just say I can't ever see that house is way to up helve for her to live in, besides the temperature is always changing, we keep the windows open and have fans going and the dust.....I think would do her

Well, as they say or I say back to the slave mines....yeah me....


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