Monday, August 18, 2008


What a great saying, I seen it on my show THAT'S LIFE, and it really hit home. I need to keep that close to my heart and remember it in times of trouble.

One of the reasons it means something to me is I can see the possibilities at the end of a situation, just like my weight loss that I am stressing about. I need to remember that this is a slow and painful (yes, painful) process. It was much easier to put it on

This is also important due to alot of tensions at home, do to daughter #1 going thru the growing stages of adulthood, (when does this end?????)but she also needs to remember I am the parent and I am not completely dumb. The possibilities that I hope for is this is she will become a great person and will grow from this experience. I hope!!!!

And the last possibility is that that g-d wouldn't give me more than I can handle,

Have a great Monday and look for recipe Tuesday it has alcohol involved

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