Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Today 17 years ago I gave birth to daughter#1 and let me say I love her very much....I can not believe where the time has gone.....she is so grown up....

In honor of her birthday, I am giving you the recipe for her favorite frosting and her favorite dinner....so enjoy


1 c milk
1/4 c flour
1 c butter at room temperature
1 c granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla

Combine milk and flour in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Cream the butter and sugar until very fluffy. Add the vanilla and cooled flour mixture. Continue to beat at medium speed until frosting is very fluffy and sugar is completely dissolved. (If you take a little of the frosting and rub it between your thumb and pointer finger, you'll be able to tell if the sugar has completely dissolved. If it hasn't, just keep beating.)

If butter cream is to be used for tube work (borders, etc.) the flour and milk mixture should be rubbed through a wire strainer before it is added to the creamed butter and sugar. Makes 3 cups - enough to frost, fill, and border a 9" cake.

Greek Flavored Chicken Pizza

-small package of chicken tenders, marinated in Greek or Caesar salad dressing, and grilled or fried until cooked through.
- small sliced onion
-Greek olives, pitted and chopped
-roasted red pepper, sliced
-crumbled feta cheese

(Note- To make pizza preparation a lot easier, it's good to start with pre-baked pizza crusts (such as a Boboli) found in any supermarket. Other varieties of pizza crust can be prepared to your liking, but the pre-baked crusts work just fine.)

So enjoy!!!!! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY.......


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