Sunday, June 22, 2008


Did not mention that yesterday I started a new chapter in my life...the four letter word di*t. So, I went to WW at 6:30am after the margarita night and had to face facts....and it is not pretty but WW has new programs now...they have the flex and the core program not sure which one I want to do....

So while there I found out that I didn't have to pay the registration fee and that if I miss a meeting I don't have to pay that either due to my insurance yeah.....The meeting started and the leader talked about Route 66 and traveling along the road and the many detours to get where you need to go.

Here is part of a lyric by a little unknown band and I felt that it fit right in with my discussion.....

I want to build a brand new road
But I'm not so sure I know where it goes
I see myself beside the road looking for a way back home
Drive away forget to wave, lock the door so I don't escape
So I want to find out what's on the other side
And write my name beside the door
I want to find out what I've been

There were two people there that lost 98lbs and 88lbs it does give me hope that I can lose the weight I need to and want to...

This is how I feel about the new road that I will be traveling on...lets hope that I can stay on the road without too many detours on to the 6 glasses of water I need to start drinking now....


1 comment:

Linda said...

I like the new road analogy....sounds like something we all should be thinking about in one way or another. Good luck.....and don't forget you have a GPS....G-----Positioning can't miss!!!! :D