Monday, November 10, 2008


Here is a lists of 50 things that you might not know about me

1. My birthday is Dec.30
2. I hate my birthday because of the holidays it gets pushed aside
3. I am 47 years old
4. I am married
5. I have been married 18 years
6. I am Jewish
7. I have two children daughter1 and daughter2
8. Daughter 1 was conceived on birth control pills
9. Daughter 2 was convceived with help of artificial insemination
10. I work fulltime at a daycare
11. I like all kinds of music
12. I am a country music fan
13. My favorite performers are Reba and George Straight
14. Last concert I went to was Brook and Dunns with Big and Rich
15. My favorite music is Musicals
16. I love to read
17. I am into Harry Potter
18. My favorite color is red
19. I live in the state of Ohio
20. The furthers state I have been to is Hawaii
21. I am learning to knit
22. I also cross stitch
23. I have the same four friends since 7th grade(along with others)
24. I have 2 sisters
25. I have 1 brother
26. I have a niece
27. I have a sister-in-law
28. My siblings and I live within 5 minutes of each other
29. I started wearing contacts in 2005
30. My favorite perfume is Gucci Rush
31. My favorite food is anything Mexican
32. My favorite drinks are Marguerite, bloody marys and rum and coke with limes
33. My favorite lifesaver is butter rum
34. I hate boating but love the beach
35. I am a very gadget person
36. I am a muppet fan and love Miss Piggy
37. I am a great blog reader
38. I love to decorate for the holidays
39. I collect salt and pepper shakers since I was 10
40. I also collect Disney snowglobes
41. I love anything Mickey Mouse
42. I love the smell of coffee but don't drink it
43. I was addicted to coca-cola
44. I also love to karoke
45. Use to be a great speller until spell check came along
46. Wanted to be a teacher but never finished college
47. I love to talk on the phone
48. I wear a size 81/2 shoe
49. I need to lose weight(okay more weight)

and for the last one.....



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