Saturday, September 20, 2008


Well today is weigh in day and I have to become more accountable for my weight loss program.....last week, I didn't even post what happen with my weight. I did lose but it was only .08......that was not exactly what I wanted to hear....but I thought to my self I can do better the next week....

Today was the next week.....I can say I lost with pride 2.6 pounds for a grand total of 18 pounds.....yeah me.....

Now in 3 weeks it will be 16 weeks that I have been on wieght watc*hers and I need to lose 10 more pounds, which will put at 10% body weight I need my weight lose fairies to step it up a so I need to get busy, please wish me luck thanks

1 comment:

Linda said...

Good Luck Cannoli...but it won't be luck that does will be you...great job!!! :D