Okay, that is here on the left....where should I begin...well, as they say "Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start...." In the spring there was an opportunity to go to Washington, DC with a group of Jewish students from all over the US. They would get 80 hours of volunteering hours(which could lead to a scholarship advantage)along with experience of living away from home for a month and touring the big city. She was accepted into the program and we were able to get a grant from an anonymous donor in the Cleveland area. Along with our Temple's help the cost was very minimal on our end.
So, at some point before we signed the grant papers and such I had asked her to make sure she really wanted to participant in this program and to think about it because I didn't want the drama and stress that went along with this. So, she thought about it and said she would go.
Then a 4 days before she leaves she tells me she doesn't want to go....What, you are going. So, the whole weekend she was crying and yelling she's not going...I told her that I would be strong for the both of us and it was going to be okay. Finally she's packed and things are bought.
It is early Monday morning, I am taking her to the airport. Along with the rain pouring down so were my tears. Her sister and I get here in the airport were you can only go so far...so we had to say goodbye...which was so hard.
Look for the next update....
check out the website
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