While there the first night, I was able to meet the person in charge of PANIM(the program Becca was going to). Shmuly Yanklowitz what a nice up lifting person

So, the first night things are going well with daughter #1....I get to sleep in her room on a chair that folds out into a cot...not bad at all....
As the city starts to wake up...I look out her window. The view from her window shows all the people going to the metro, receiving free papers and just hurrying along.....
As I go down to get her a Starbucks(green tea with half french vanilla and whip cream)(just in case you want to order her one). I am standing at the elevator when I hear a nurse talking to her self repeating over and over I'm going to have a good day,I'm going to have a good day, I'm going to have a good day....and I decided to use that phrase for the rest of the day...I might need that for later....
I walk over to GW Bookstore to get her a hoodie and t-shirt...I also pick up a hoodie for daughter #2 and for myself you ask....don't be surprised a pack of honey halls cough drops(yahoo)
Daughter #1 and I have our moments of getting along remember it is not all cheer with her....They bring her breakfast and later I give her a banana...so time slips away with doctors, interns and respiratory therapy and before I know it is 4:00 pm. She gets a few visitors during the day and says to me take a walk to see a couple of sites while your here.
So, I ask the nurse if they are going to bring her dinner since they didn't bring her a lunch....she looks surprise and says of course they are....
So I start walking towards the Lincoln Monument....After a 20 minute walk in 97 degree weather and who knows what the humidity is....I arrive what a feeling to sitting on the steps of the Memorial where millions of people have sat or walked up the stairs...I call my friend from the steps on my cell and I feel a few drops of rain...it doesn't look like rain...so I tell my friend I probably should head back to the hospital...
A few minutes later, it starts to rain, I stand under a tree, then it start thundering and lightning...did I bring an umbrella...heck no...so I look around with all the other tourist and we all start running for a place to get cover from...I find a information booth and huddle under it with about 30 people...still getting wet...I try to check my phone and guess what it doesn't work....Great I'm in a city where I don't really know anyone well enough to call and the few people I do know I don't have a phone to use.....
The people who I'm standing with don't speak English and it is pouring like cats and dogs....Finally, after 45 minutes it lets up so I can start walking back to the hospital...
I am soaked and decided to take my shoes off so at least they will stay somewhat dry. I put them into my purse and walk in my socks....well after a few blocks I can not stand it anymore and decide to put my shoes back on...my socks are so wet that I can wring out so much water and want to throw them away.....
I finally make it back to the hospital...Daughter #1 says that I looked like I feel into a pool...it was not pretty, I was swishing and squeaking....
I find out that she didn't get dinner......that's when I lose it...the nurse tells me that maybe I would like to go get her something..I was going to get her something it was just the point of it...you never brought her lunch and now dinner.
I start going to get her dinner and mine and dry clothes. I see the person in charge of the floor and I explain everything that is going on and she is going to get this solved....
During this time, they tell me they are moving her out of intensive care to a regular room...yeahhhhhhhhhhh
So after we eat our kosher hot dog....they bring her tray as we are being moved to her new room...
and remember I have no phone.....
more later,
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