Sunday, January 4, 2009


My brother and niece were honored today. They are very involved in Indian Princess. Here is alittle bit about the award that they received today......

Joe Friday was an Ojibway Indian, He was the main inspiration of Harold S. Keltner who founded this organization back in 1926.
So we give out an award once a year in his honor. This award goes out to an Officer who has gone above and beyond his regular elected duties. This Officer has been there to help out all year. Whether it was to collect pallets for the Council Fires or help out at all the recruiting rallies. We never had to ask him to help he would come to us and ask what time do we need to be there. I personally asked him for help “probably weekly” to send out extra reminders to everyone. Other times he took it upon himself to get the word out to everyone whenever it was necessary. Even though his position was Asst. Running Waters Editor He took on the role of Editor a few months into the year always making sure the news letter was correct and on time. While always keeping in mind what was right for the organization.

Randy and Morgan
It states:

Presented to Randy

On this 4th Day Of January 2009

In Appreciation For The Time & Effort You have Dedicated

To The Members Of The

Ridgewood Big Creek Frontier

Adventure Princess Program

While Maintaining A High Standard Of Parent/Child Involvement

On Behalf Of The Officers And Members

Thank You For Providing An Example That Reflects The

Ideas Of This Program

An Example That Helps A Dad And His Daughter To Become And


Friends Always

CONGRULATIONS BRO.....(I know I borrowed it from your blog) (LOL)


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