Today, I am grateful that I am a Jew. Today is the Day of Atonement.
It is one of the most important religious holidays in a Jew's life...I am thankful that I can participate in this holiday, here is a little recap of this holiday, so that my non Jewish friends can understand what I am going thru....
On Yom Kippur we do not wear leather shoes, so put on your canvas or plastic sneakers or sandals!
All girls over 12 years old and boys over 13 old must fast. If you are not 12 or 13 yet, you are not obligated to fast, but you should refrain from eating sweets and goodies, as Yom Kippur is a very serious day.hat I have my health so that I can participate in this holiday....
Yom Kippur means the Day of Atonement, because it is the day on which we atone for all of our sins.
Yom Kippur is a day of prayer. Go to the synagogue, find yourself a quiet spot, and pray and meditate. Think about the past year, think of all the good things you did and of the not so good things, feel bad about them? Okay, now decide that you will never do those things again. And ask G-d to forgive you for anything inappropriate you may have done.
At the end of the day, the whole congregation recites the Shema and a few other verses out loud together, then the shofar is sounded for one long blast. After that we say: "Next Year in Jerusalem." We then recite the evening services and the fast is over.
And let me say, this day reminds me about how people in American feel with no breakfast in their bellies or a little snack before bed because I am hungry and it will be a long day.....I am thankful for every thing I have.....
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