Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well, today is not my dad's birthday but it was last Wednesday, we decided to celebrate today with a family cookout this weekend as we all had off for Labor day...and can I say it was a great day....

I was in charge of the appetizers so check out my post for Tuesday....we loved the crackers and bacon so easy to make it...I also used Tasteful Simple pepper jam that you pour over cream cheese and served with crackers....yummmmy

My dad turned 70, it is hard knowing my parents are getting old which makes me older....

I came up with the idea of 70 lottery tickets for my dad and one of my sisters stole the idea...but I came up with an idea of getting 70 things that he liked (such as 30 lottery tickets 24 packs of gum and such) and it added up to priceless things about my dad and then I wrote a heartfelt letter regarding 70 different things I knew about him....of course, when I was reading it to him....I made it through the reading until the number $1 thing about him....which is he is loved by many then I started crying of course my family made fun of me..

It was good fun, good food and good family.....


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