Okay, the ticker has been added at the bottom of the page, do to the 30th Class Reunion of my high school...where has the time gone...how can this be...I feel like I had just graduated yesterday and now this...
So, in honor of the holy class reunion (also today is Friday the 13th) I will list 13 things I need to do in order to be ready for this special event.....
13. Find the old year book, so I can remember who all in the heck this people are (names-not faces)
12. Make sure my husband has something to wear.....
11. DON'T make plans for that weekend as now I have plans
10. Try to get in contact with my friends to make sure they are going
9. Start saving so I can afford this special weekend with 300 of friends I havent seen in 10 years with their better halfs
8. Make sure I have that special wow dress
7. Get my hair and make-up done by a professional
6. Ask off for that Friday
5. Look thru photos to take of the kids where they aren't killing each other
4. Make sure I take something to put phone numbers and address in to stay in contact with 300 of my friends that I haven's seen in 10 years with their better halfs
3. Relearn the alma mater so here goes:
Hail to thee Strongsville, home of the light and truth, hail Alma Mater;we shall ever be to thee, hail dear old Strongsville High School. Hail to thee Strongsville, land of education, hail Alma Mater, friendship everlasting, through all our future years, as a beacon shining, Hail to thee Strongsville High School.
2. And lets not forget to learn our fight song(did I even know then)
Onward StrongsvilleOnward Strongsville We will see you through Green and White we'll always fight Whether skies are gray or blue We don't always win And we sometimes lose But never with a sigh For we are the spirt of Strongsville High Hey!
1. And the number #1 thing I need to do before this 30th CLASS REUNION IS............
go on a diet
So the count down has begun so lets see what happens
1 comment:
Ok....found it again.:D I love what you've done with the place....very nice!!!!!
A reunion and a ticker....no pressure there right? Hey, do you think that you could find me a "reverse" ticker....now that's something I'd pay good money for!
Looking forward to reading your new blog....I KNOW it's going to be really good!!!!
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